As a customer of Necessary Nutrition you receive an automatic membership to the Necessary Nutrition Academy. This is our educational component where you receive exclusive classes curated specifically for women in midlife and beyond.
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With all of our Necessary Nutrition products we can assure you that we pass the stringent California Prop 65 Regulations, which are specifically tougher on Heavy Metals (such as Lead), Glyphosate and other pesticides. (We come in less than half on the tolerable limits permitted by Prop65 and cGMP from the FDA). The raw material and packaging components used for our Necessary Nutrition products meet FDA GMP requirements. All of our finished products are manufactured in a controlled environment, are tested extensively to meet specifications & are safe for consumption. We know that those banned substances never enter our building as raw material, and never make into finished product. Our Necessary products are made in Edison, New Jersey within a certified Organic, cGMP, NSF* & UL Certified facility.